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Testosterone Cypionate is the longest of the currently known forms of testosterone. Sport men’s hormone use for a long time, not only men but also women. By taking testosterone, there is a significant increase in basic physiological parameters, which invariably affects the improvement obtained during the training results.

Testosterone cypionate is the most popular and widespread in America, where the main production of the drug. This steroid is released and the Balkan company. Prolonged effects of testosterone cypionate due to the fact that steroid “planted” on the air, which allows him to remain in the fat depots within fifteen days.Reviews Testosterone Cypionate

The active substance is cleaved and enters the blood gradually. Such “behavior” of steroid minimizes the number of injections, which is quite convenient. If we consider enanthate and cypionate these forms of testosterone are can perfectly replace each other, and are issued only in the form of injections.

What is the impact of receiving Testosterone cypionate?

this Introduction of steroid has the following positive impacts:

    1. Increases muscle mass. On a background of reception of cypionate, there is an increased hydration of the cells. Water makes up a significant proportion of the recruited athlete volume. The muscles acquire a attractive and distinct look. The accumulation of fluid leads to a Hairdryer rollback after completion of the course. In water accounts up to the third part of the total mass growth.
    2. Increased rates of power.
    3. Stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells. Increase oxygen supply in the blood allows the muscles to function much more efficiently, which positively affects the endurance of the athlete.
    4. Provided by spermatogenesis and sexual behavior.
    5. improved quality of phosphorus metabolism.
    6. there is positive nitrogen balance. the Amount of protein synthesized is much higher decaying.

Course admission cypionate

The optimal frequency of injection is considered to be once in seven days. Prolonged effects of cypionate allows you to take the steroid and less, but this execution scheme of injections does not provide an optimally high concentration of hormone. Athletes seeking to gain muscle mass, you must focus on a daily dose of 250-500 milligrams.

Solo courses Testosterone Cypionate enable you to get good results. They are perfectly suited to novice athletes who do not need to take additional medications. You need to understand that the increase in the optimal rate of injection over 800 milligrams will not achieve a more pronounced anabolic effect, but the odds of side effects will increase.

Combined courses are largely identical solo. The steroid is best combined with Nandrolone. The dosage of both drugs is about 200 milligrams a week. Block allows estrogenic effects of Tamoxifen. It is used from the second week of the course 10 milligrams every day and stop use fourteen days after cancellation cypionate. To normalize the secretion of testosterone, during the course accepted Proviron, replaced in the future with Tamoxifen.

Possible side effects

The steroid demonstrates a high level of aromatization. Therefore, with increase in muscle mass and increased concentration of estrogen, which is the cause of such diseases, such as gynecomastia, followed by compaction and swelling of the region around the nipples. To prevent the risks of symptoms of gyno, athletes are taking blockers aromatase and Nolvadex or Clomid being anti-estrogens.

Side effects from taking cypionate is often due to the high conversion of the hormone into the active form of dihydrotestosterone, the androgenic nature are manifested. In some cases, the athlete can rise blood pressure, can experience hair growth on various parts of the body and on the face or, on the contrary, baldness, acne, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.side effects Testosterone cypionate

Reviews Testosterone Cypionate

The phenomenon of recoil after the abolition of the rate cypionate is fully cannot be prevented, but the recruited muscle mass, regardless of this, remains on a rather qualitative level. Reviews say that side effects from the drug, with the exception of high concentrations of liquid, almost never manifested. Cypionate is a worthy competition enantate and very effective.

Most professional bodybuilders combine cypionate with other drugs, but this approach is not recommended for beginners, because it increases the possibility of side effects. Leaders in manufacturer this testosterone no, but preference should be given to American and European producers, but they often downplay dosage and inflate the cost.