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Oral steroids is anabolic and androgenic drugs produced in the form of tablets, which are used by mouth. The activity of these steroids conventionally divided into two directions: Anabolic and androgenic.

The main anabolic effects oral steroids are a large increase in muscle mass, an increase in the human power performance, improving performance indicators, increasing the number of red blood cells in human blood, improve and strengthen the bone, reducing fat reserves.

After receiving oral steroids may increase a person’s appetite, decrease anxiety, increase sexual desire.

Steroids are fairly easy to store and also simple to use. Because of this, they are very often the choice of starters. Oral steroids are an alternative for those athletes who are afraid of injections. The main disadvantage of oral steroids is a liver disease. But the injectable steroids are safe.

55602d1344054971-russian-dianabol-akrihn-500x500[1]One of the most popular and readily available oral steroids is Dianabol (another name – D-bol or Diana). This drug has stood the test of time and remains one of the most effective anabolic steroids that bodybuilders use, regardless of their level of preparedness.

The name “Dianabol” was invented by pharmacist Siboy for substance methandrostenolone. To date, Dianabol is not produced by pharmaceutical companies, but it is available as a product of illegal laboratories. Available Dianabol in tablets of 5, 10 or 50 milligrams. This drug has gained popularity due to the fact that, first of all, is with oral steroid, which attracts non-technical users who are afraid of injections. Dianabol compared with other anabolics are very cheap and, most importantly, it is really effective because it enables rapid increase not only muscle mass, but also in power. And since this steroid is very popular, we consider it reasonable to describe in this article all that know about this drug.

How should I take Dianabol.

Dianabol drug is released as in the form of injection, and tablets. It has a short half-life, which means that the daily dose should be divided into two equal parts to maintain a stable substrate concentration in the blood. Dividing dose is very easy to implement because of the different dosages of the drug in the tablets. And in order to reduce all kinds of indigestion, Dianabol should be taken with food.

In the world, there is another opinion (which you may already know from various articles about Dianabol or communicate on the forums), implying the adoption of the full daily dose before training, in order to increase the concentration of the steroid in the blood and thus increase the activity in gym. It all looks pretty good, however, we recall that such a regime can cause increased stress on the liver. But, nevertheless, many users who have experience in the use of Dianabol as anabolic pre-workout, satisfied. But the best daily dose divided into two parts.

Dosages in the course of Dianabol.

When the duration of the course of 4-6 weeks, the daily dose is about 30-50 mg. Athletes who Dianabol for the first time, will be sufficient to 30-40 milligrams per day. Such daily dose would increase the growth of muscle mass and strength with minimal side effects. But more knowledgeable users are likely to want to increase the dose of the drug, despite the fact that it is set the marginal rate of dosage, which resulted in increasing the number of side effects, and muscle mass and strength is not growing. It says, first of all, about the meaninglessness of increasing the dose of the drug received. Many experienced users rarely exceed a daily dose of 70-80 mg.

Dianabol can be combined with other steroids used on the massonabora courses. For example, when observing high calorie diet containing a great amount of nutrients necessary for muscle mass, it is possible to take Dianabol together with enanthate or Deca-Durabolilom . While virtually all brand-new start “courses” on one Dianabol. Dianabol – is a steroid, through which you can easily gain muscle mass and achieve a significant increase in power, on top of that it is cost effective drug,

Side effects Dianabol preparty.

Dianabol Hepatotoxicity, as it is a potential threat to the liver. Due to the fact that the drug Dinabol alkylated 17-alpha, and its bioavailability is very high, therefore, we need to limit the duration of its reception to reduce the adverse effect on the liver during consumption or administration of other substances which contain toxic substance to the liver as e.g., an alcohol.

Over the course of receiving Dianabol may occur and such androgenic side effects: an increase in oily skin, acne, hostility and baldness . Quite often, androgenic side effects are largely dependent not only on the user’s genetics, but also on its predisposition to them. For example, if you are very much prone to acne, it would be strange to expect a significant increase in this course.

In addition, when receiving the drug Dianabol possible side effects such as increased levels of estrogen, which leads to gynecomastia. Therefore, it is desirable together with Dianabol taking anti-estrogen drugs and antiaromataznye. Gynecomastia – is the emergence of breast tissue. Show signs of gynecomastia: itching and pain breast nipples.

Application Dianabol drug is often accompanied by water retention, which leads to a significant weight gain in the first weeks of treatment. This may be one of the causes of puffiness or embedded in the face and neck (swelling of the face on the “lunar type”). water retention in the body contributes to the typesetting power and improve the lubrication of the joints. But, nevertheless, we must be prepared to ensure that after the termination of course taking Dianabol, together with water and leave all your extra weight.

Nutritional supplements to be taken simultaneously with Dianabol.

Recommended Dianobol taken with food additives such as a Milk Tvistl, Liv-52 and alpha-lipoic acid. After all, they protect the liver from the harmful effects of oral steroids, which are alkylated 17-alpha. In addition to these dietary supplements on sale, there are many drugs that can provide protection to your liver for receiving the entire course of Dianabol. Find the name of the other food additives can be in the vast World Wide Web, ie the Internet.