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There is a lot of disagreement about compatibility of power and aerobic loads. There are athletes who hold the opinion that it is simply impossible to engage in cardio without sacrificing strength training. This theory has many opponents who believe that sports without cardio ceases to be full. To dispel doubts about the inclusion of a run in the training program of a bodybuilder, it is necessary to analyze the effect of aerobic loads on the process of muscle growth.

The main condition for weight gain is the consumption of more calories than is spent. If it is observed, even regular daily runs will not prevent the muscles from increasing. In the period of training, aimed solely at weight gain, it is of course not necessary to engage in cardio every day. Otherwise, excessive loads will lead to overtraining, which should be avoided.

Influence of cardio loads on a set of muscle mass

In the course of scientific research, the positive effect of running on muscle growth was proved. Aerobic load stimulates the production of protein and increases testosterone, the main anabolic hormone. Cardio does not interfere, but, on the contrary, contributes to the increase in muscle mass.

Running in the period of massage is useful, because cardio:

  • trains the heart muscle and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Improves endurance and helps to diversify the training program;
  • stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat and makes the musculature relief more pronounced;
  • accelerates the metabolic processes of substances, which leads to an increase in appetite, and, therefore, allows for faster mass gain.

Aerobic loads provide many benefits during the recruitment period. But, of course, only when certain rules are observed.

How to perform cardio during the period of muscle mass gain

Experienced athletes recommend long runs at a slow pace to increase the endurance rate and improve the condition of the heart muscle. You must run at least 40 minutes. The pace must be kept slow. Otherwise, there is every chance to begin to lose muscle mass. Sprints for short distances with maximum speed are practiced by only a few athletes, most of whom are not engaged in bodybuilding at a professional level.

Along with the duration and pace of running, the periodicity of aerobic loads is of decisive importance. During the build-up of muscle mass cardio is recommended to be included in the training program twice a week, making low-intensity jogging for 40-60 minutes. This cardio accelerates metabolism, improves endurance without compromising the build-up of muscle mass. When time is not enough, you can reduce the number of aerobic loads to one workout per week, but increase the duration by running from 60 to 80 minutes.

Athletes engaged in power sports often neglect aerobic loads, which negatively affects the health of the heart. Avoid adverse effects can be achieved by qualitative cardio training, conducted at least once or twice a week to increase endurance and improve health.

Running and amateur bodybuilding

Strength training, aimed exclusively at maintaining a good physical shape, and not for the purpose of performing at various bodybuilding competitions, must necessarily be supplemented by cardio. Many owners of impressive weight, pumped and sculptured muscles attend the gym solely for one single purpose – to look good with a beautiful body. Pumping muscles only on amateurish, and not on a professional level, it is necessary to be engaged in jogging, to be more durable and tightened, because thanks to cardio goes unnecessary subcutaneous fat.