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Jeff Seid is a 21-year-old male Build competitor who made history when he became the youngest professional in the IFBB history.

Jeff basically looks like real life Goku’s.

Long, spiky hair, exhausted muscles and crushed bones. As a result, he became an icon for gym rats around the world covet that “aesthetic.

These guys do not have any interest in looking like a mass of monsters, with a 36-inch waist and a pregnant looking belly’s.

This aesthetic v-taper implies a tiny waist, being crushed and do steroids shrink penis having broad shoulders. This opinion, which was originally inspired by the former Mr. Olympia champion – Frank Zane.

Jeff, of course, is not so great, but a good size and in tatters, having almost perfect proportions.

Jeff body-dream goal for many ectomorphs / hardgainer all over the world, who had previously worshiped Aziz aka Shavershyan Zyzz.

If you are familiar with Jeff, you’ll know that it encompasses lifestyle Yolo to the maximum. You will often see a video of it randomly generates in public places (with its top) …

For no reason, actually.

And he likes to give off the impression that he pulls over shluts, than Barney Stinson.


With more than 2 million fans  on a Facebook page only; it became clear that a lot of guys around the world, “Mirin Jeff.

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Nevertheless, the general consensus is that Jeff could take steroids, with brahs regularly calling him on social media and even calling him a liar …


So Jeff really Natty? or is he just a boy in a generation, who are trying to impress the girls, no matter what the cost?

Evidence Jeff Natty, Genetics of the gods

99% of the time when someone juices, obviously because their muscles always blow in a short time.

Adding muscle naturally is a very slow process, so quickly arrived just does not exist … except when you are a beginner.

Although Jeff is young, he began to raise to 12 years .

Thus, it was a rise for 9 years.

And looking at his photos it is clear that he has not received a large size, as he was 17 (see below).

What he looked like 17 years …


What does this tell us?

He has crazy genetics when it comes to building muscle and burning fat.

It’s not like he was a little after the first few years of lifting weights, then suddenly blew up … it is more or less the same size as compared to when he was a teenager.

In the picture above, Jeff was apparently weighing 195lbs at 5% body fat.

That 9 year transformation from Jeff 12-21 years …


You can see that the biggest jump for Jeff in terms of muscle growth was from 12 to 13 years.

It makes sense, seeing as it was his first year, which is when you will make the most of your income if you are smart.

2. No acne

Jeff once confessed in an interview with, that before he started lifting weights, he was a nerd addicted to World Of Warcraft and suffered from acne.

What does this have to do with him taking steroids?

Many steroid users experience acne – occur mainly on the face, back and shoulders.


Other users can run several cycles and never experience acne.

Why steroids can cause acne …

Steroids increase of androgenic hormones in your body, which in turn stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

However, buy boldenone undecylenate steroid acne by using genetic largely. So if you have not experienced acne grow, there is a good chance that you will not have any when juicing.

But, if you have DID acne as a child, and you had to start a steroid cycle, years later, you will almost certainly have some breakthroughs.

However, Jeff skin remains very clear, natural looking and consistent in all his paintings. Therefore, it is likely that it does not take steroids, because his sebaceous glands do not produce the excess oil that he is genetically prone to.

3. Steroids against his philosophy

Here’s a video Jeff talk about steroids … He gets good around the 51 – th minute mark.

So in the video Jeff basically said that he does not understand why the guys are going to do aesthetic appearance will take steroids because of his belief in what you can, of course  , get exhausted / be aesthetic as fuark.

Has the meaning.

However, he mentions that he understands steroid use for those with the desire to look like Mr. Olympia, guys like Phil Heath and Ronnie Coleman, etc. As it is a completely different purpose.

Jeff goes on to say that the appearance and way of life nolvadex for sale, he wants to make it a healthy one, and thus, steroids, of course, a compromise that.

It is important to note that anyone can be in front of the camera, but he seems very sincere when it comes to this topic.

This solid advice from Jeff, essentially, encouraging young people to go down the route Natty.

However, not all will have a world class Jeff genetics.

I know guys down my gym who Juicing their asses and do not look half as good as Jeff.

It’s because:

  1. They did not get the amazing genetics
  2. They do not have special knowledge in the field of nutrition / education

4. No physical signs of steroid use

If he were to have a juicy, it must have been a very early age … he was only a slight increase from the age of 17 years.

So what if he took anabolic steroids, there would be some visual effects of steroids side.

… But no one can be seen at Jeff.

  • He is still very thick hair . Taking steroids for several years will have thinned / retreating his hair, especially if you take drugs before the end of puberty.
  • It does not have a single case of gynecomastia .
  • No red / red appearance of the skin that indicates a higher body temperature / blood pressure as a result of taking anabolic steroids.
  • Clean skin
  • He still has a baby face . Steroid users often have more wrinkles and aging, as many anabolics reduce the amount of collagen that produces your body. A good example of how your face can age is Zac Efron, as he milled on Baywatch.
  • No signs of bloat and water retention.


5. Compare Serge Nubret


Haters Jeff Seid said that there is no way it is natural, because it has the same stats as Serge Nubret, one of the best Mr. Olympia participants of all ages (which is known to be juicing).

Here are some sample stats Nubret and Seid (in competition):

  • Height: 6 feet
  • Weight: 200lbs
  • Body fat: 6%
  • Size Shoulder: 18 inches

Here is a comment:

Even sites like Natty, or did not say the same thing as saying that there is no way, Jeff of course, because it shares the same number as that of a black panther .

Anyone who thinks that this statement has any confidence in general, need to be tested their IQ.

Serge Nubret was much larger than Jeff Seid.

End of discussion.

We do not know if these figures are 100% legit; and even if the statistics were accurate – the figures often are deceiving.

What we know for sure how big these guys are looking at the pictures and real life and not far from Jeff Seid Serge Nubret, in terms of the musculature.


Verdict: Natty

There is no evidence to suggest Jeff juicing.

The main thing to take away from this analysis is that there are some people out there  crazy genetics .

Many butt hurt guys place such things as “It is 100% on steroids,” with nothing to back up its claim than the other …

“He is in good shape too, so do not take anything.”

However, it is not a level playing field, because each person has a completely different genetics when it comes to building muscle.

For some guys, they all have to do is lay your eyes on a pair of dumbbells and they grow. For others, they are beanpoles no matter how hard they train.

The logic of the day: Just because someone is exhausted, does not mean that they are 100% injection.