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The use of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) is associated with certain problems, if not treated responsibly and deliberately. All problems are associated with the increase in the hormonal background in those who take them, which requires regular and accurate monitoring. As a rule, those who refer to this issue without warning, receive only disappointments and harm from taking medications. As a result of the ill-considered reception of AAS, athletes do not receive the expected positive results, but they are harmed to their health. It becomes apparent that the problems are directly related to the imbalance of sex hormones, such as the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estradiol, progesterone and prolactin. In this case, we are talking about the female hormone estradiol in men.

Estrogen is a female sex hormone, which is the direct opposite of the male hormone testosterone. It is produced by the body of a man, but in small quantities, which does not affect the behavior of a man and his life. Excess in the body of a man’s female hormone leads to serious violations of the body’s functions, as well as to a change in the appearance of a man. Unfortunately, its insufficient amount in the blood leads to no less serious consequences. In this regard, a man must necessarily control his hormonal background, especially if he uses certain drugs in his life.

If the balance of sex hormones is disturbed, when female hormones begin to predominate, serious changes take place in the male body. This imbalance is often observed during the puberty of boys, which occurs in 11-15 years, and is characterized by the presence in the blood of estradiol, and in large quantities. As a result, there are deviations in the physiological development of the boy, which can lead to inadequate growth of the genital organs, obesity by the female type, gynecomastia. In addition, the excess of female sex hormones can lead to the fact that the boy’s voice will remain childish, and his behavior can not be called masculine. Such changes can be genetic, occur due to improper diet, and also due to various diseases.

Unfortunately, the excess estrogen acts equally on the body of a boy, and on the body of an adult male (athlete). Excess of female sex hormones can occur not only as a result of taking AAS drugs, but also as a result of unhealthy eating habits and an incorrect lifestyle. Particular attention should be given to drinking alcohol, and especially beer.

Causes of increased estradiol levels in men

There are many reasons on the basis of which it is possible to increase the level of estrogen in men. For example:

  • The problem with the thyroid gland.
  • Problems with the ovaries (tumors or cysts).
  • Overweight (obesity).
  • Liver disease.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Drinking alcohol (especially beer).
  • Gynecomastia.
  • Admission of anabolic steroids.

In case of detection of an elevated level of estradiol, you should first concentrate on determining the causes and only then get rid of the consequences.

For this, it is better to consult a doctor and make tests for thyroid hormones, do ultrasound, thyroid, liver and kidney MRI.

One of the main reasons for the increase in estradiol in men is the excess fatty tissue. The thing is that the adipose tissue participates in the endocrine system, which in turn is associated with the release of hormones. The dependence is such that the higher the level of adipose tissue in the body of a man, the more estradiol in the blood.

And, the problems do not end there: it is very important to determine the causes of obesity. If the causes are excessive nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, then the problem is solved quite simply: it is enough to go in for sports and eat moderately. If obesity is a process that has emerged from “nowhere”, then an analysis of the body’s condition should be carried out immediately. Most likely, there was a malfunction in the body.

Lowering the level of estradiol on the course of steroids

The human body always works so that the balance is not violated. When the excess male sexual hormone appears in the blood, the body takes measures to ensure that the hormone level returns to its original value. This is due to aromatization, when the excess testosterone is converted to estradiol. Quite often this process is very active and the excess of estradiol in men takes serious indicators. Moreover, this process depends on some factors that affect the process of aromatization. These include excess fat in the body, the activity of the aromatase enzyme and others.

At the stage of taking steroids, the fight with an increased level of estrogen is carried out with the help of aromatase inhibitors. Such substances significantly inhibit the mechanism of aromatization, which reduces the level of estrogen in men. These drugs include: anastrozole, letrozole, arimidex, selana, etc.

But before resorting to the use of such drugs it is desirable to determine the level of estradiol, which will make it possible later to monitor the process of reducing its level in the blood.

How to take an aromatase inhibitor on a course of steroids

Aromatase inhibitors are taken on 1 tablet (0.5 mg) 2-3 times a week. After the course of admission in 7-10 days, you should donate blood for analysis. If the level of estradiol drops to normal, then the dosage of the drug is reduced by half (0.5 tablets 2 times a week). If the level of estradiol is still above normal, then the drug is continued at the original dosage.

In this case, it will be possible to maintain the level of hormones in the norm when taking AAS. The problem is reduced not only to the manifestations of gynecomastia, but also to the problems of the hypophysis – the hypothalamus – the testicles. If you do not find the problem in time, then the recovery will take much longer.

It should immediately be noted that taking AAS is not recommended if there is a significant fatty layer. The ideal option for starting pharmacology is a level of fat that reaches 12% and not more. With this level of body fat, it is easy enough to maintain a hormonal background. In addition, playing sports will give the highest result.

Well, most importantly! Too low level of estradiol conceals in itself no less menacing dangers for men – this is a decrease in potency, a drop in libido, an increase in the fragility of joints, a decrease in immunity and other consequences.

The task is to maintain your hormonal background at the natural level, which is achieved only through deliberate decisions. You should never save on your health, let alone treat it with disdain.