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Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective ways to get rid of surplus subcutaneous fat, when the athlete needs to lose weight. Aerobic loads in bodybuilding are used when it is necessary to designate the relief of muscles, while cardio in bodybuilding has a completely different purpose than in other sports. The thing is that aerobic trainings not only burn excess fat, but also contribute to the reduction of muscle mass. Therefore, training in bodybuilding should be organized so that the reduction in muscle mass was minimal.

Cardio on drying in bodybuilding can have different manifestations. It all depends on what kind of sport is preferred: one likes running, and others prefer to pedal bikes. But here, not every athlete can be approached, for example, running, when there are excess weight or there are problems with the back. In this case, you will have to use the services of a sports hall and work on simulators.

Unfortunately, there are sports that can severely deplete the athlete due to their intensity. Such sports include martial arts, sprints, swimming, etc. To maximize the muscle relief, aerobic workloads in bodybuilding should be little intense, but lengthy.

How much do you need to do cardio on drying

In an environment where you need to get rid of excess fat, but keep muscle volumes, aerobic exercise is better alternating, with power loads. Aerobic loads will burn excess fat, and strength exercises will maintain muscle mass at the proper level. The ideal option is a pair of cardio workouts and 2-3 strength training.

As already mentioned above, aerobic loads in the drying process should be of low intensity, but of a long duration. Experienced athletes are recommended to practice on a treadmill, stepper or on the simulator for one hour and not less. The fact is that fat begins to be actively burned only after half an hour of training, so less than half an hour does not make sense, and less than an hour is ineffective.

Cardio when losing weight: the features of the load

As a rule, all workouts should begin with a warm-up, otherwise you can overload the heart muscle, especially without preparation. All recommend, start training with stretch marks, then with a slow walk on the simulator, with jogging, followed by a slow increase in speed, so the load.

Important! The most important thing is to determine the optimal rate of aerobic loads. These indicators are associated not with the speed of movement, but with readings of heartbeats. In such cases, the optimal indicators are 110-130 beats per minute.

Popular questions about cardio during drying

At what time of day is it preferable to run? – As a rule, most athletes run in the morning, if you want and need to burn as much fat as possible. If you run in the morning, the fats start to burn immediately, with the start of training. This is due to the peculiarities of the human body. Running at other times of the day is not so effective.

Is there a need to combine aerobic training with power training? – Naturally, you can, but they should be spread over time. It is not recommended in one day to engage in aerobic exercise and strength exercises. This approach leads to overtraining, which is fraught with negative consequences. The case can go so far that a person simply refuses further studies.